Case presentation

Tongue tuberculosis, rare extrapulmonary tuberculosis: A Case Report from Baghdad

Tongue tuberculosis, a rare extrapulmonary tuberculosis

Mohammad Yahya  Abdulrazaq, Hiba Adnan Hammed

Tuberculosis is a communicable disease, and nowadays is considered one of the leading causes of death from a single infectious agent, just after COVID-19. Tuberculosis can involve any organ in the body; however, the oral cavity and tongue can get rarely involved. Tongue tuberculosis has many pathological varieties ulcer, tuberculoma, fissure, papilloma, or tuberculous cold abscess. The diagnosis of the patient with tongue tuberculosis is usually delayed. Primary tuberculosis of the tongue is usually presented secondary to pulmonary tuberculosis, and primary tuberculosis of the tongue is very rare. Here, we presented a 46-year-old male from Baghdad with a painless tongue swelling of six months duration associated with non-healing laceration of the oral cavity not responding to local antibiotic treatment. The pathological examination has shown that this lesion is tuberculosis and responded well to the full oral anti-tuberculosis regimen.   
Key words: Diseases of the tongue, tongue tuberculosis, granulomatous diseases, extrapulmonary TB.

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