About Us

Iraqi New Medical Journal is the official peer-reviewed medical journal of the Ministry of Health in Iraq.

It is located and run by the National Centre of training and Human Development/ MoH in Iraq.

It is affiliated with the Arab Board for Health Specialization in Iraq.

Iraqi New Medical Journal is the official peer-reviewed medical journal of the Iraqi Ministry of Health. It was established in February 2014 according to the term of ministerial order number 2718 on 24 February 2014. It is located in the National Centre for Training and Human Development.  Although it is owned by the Ministry of Health, it has an independent editorial board that has the full authority to design and implement the editorial policy of the journal. Iraqi NMJ follows the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

The Vision
: The vision of the Iraqi NMJ is to establish a peer-reviewed scientific medical journal that follows international standards of publication with a national and international impact.

The general objectives are:

The Scope of publication: Iraqi NMJ is a general medical journal. Its readers are healthcare providers working in all Iraqi health institutions, from primary to tertiary centres. Also, we aim to reach readers in all countries in the near future. National and international authors are invited to submit their scientific products in the following scopes:

Types of articles we publish
: We are interested in publishing editorials about essential and challenging concepts in health, original research, review articles, case presentations, and letters to editors and authors. In addition, the Iraqi NMJ publishes articles for continuous medical education; these articles are accredited for CME scores according to the scoring system of CME at the Ministry of Health in Iraq.

The National Centre for Training and Human Development
Ministry of Health headquarter
Bab Al-Muadham

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