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Welcome to Iraqi New Medical Journal

Please read About us and our Instructions to Authors to know the scope of the publication and the requirements needed in your article. This will minimize the time for publication.

Review process: We publish two issues yearly; the first is in January, and the second is in July. All submitted articles will pass through the peer-reviewed process adopted in our journal.

Two reviewers will examine the article to test its suitability for publication; at least one of them is an external reviewer. Disagreement in the decision between the two reviewers will necessitate asking for a third opinion, which is usually decisive. It is exceptional to have a primary acceptance for an article; However, most of the submitted papers are either primarily rejected or accepted on the condition of doing the reviewers’ comments and suggestions. Failure to comply with the reviewers’ comments and suggestions or delay for more than three months is a sign of the authors’ withdrawal from pursuing the publication process. In such case, the author/s is are/ needed to resubmit the article again.  

The average time needed for an article to be published depends on how much the article, in its original copy, is ready for publication and the time the author needs to complete the reviewers’ notes. The average time required is between 6-12 months. However, the first decision from the journal may take 2-4 months.

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